I met the preserve when Dad visited me last year. The day we went was humid and thunderstormy and the mosquitoes ate me alive, but I vowed to go back and photograph, which I did later in the fall. This page is the result.
This preserve is a fresh-water tidal swamp. Mill Creek sits off Route 9J in northern Columbia County. The creek is a tributary of the Hudson River and it gets four foot tides twice a day, 150 miles north of the river's mouth!! Please enjoy the photos. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger photo.
I saw these little flowers by the roadside on the way into the trailhead.
Creek bed and bank mud textures. I could imagine them, in a few million years, becoming rocks.
© 2004-2005. Keri Leaman. All Rights Reserved. Do not produce any of the photos on this page without my permission.
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